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The Positive Impacts Of A Spa Trip

The Positive Impacts Of A Spa Trip

You may think that trips to the spa are simply for relaxation or enjoyment but there are some real benefits to spa trips that you may...
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After the Spa: Beauty Tips from Experts

After the Spa: Beauty Tips from Experts

Spa treatments are great for many things. They can treat various illnesses and help your body regain its ability to regenerate itself. A spa treatment can...
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How to Heal Trauma

How to Heal Trauma

What is Trauma? Trauma is an experience that causes emotional and psychological distress. Traumatic experiences overtake a person’s ability to process emotions and thoughts in a...
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What is Interstitial Cystitis and Prostatitis, and How Can the Wise Anderson Protocol Help You?

What is Interstitial Cystitis and Prostatitis, and How Can the Wise Anderson Protocol Help You?

While prostatitis can be caused by infection or injury, it has been noted that some cases have nothing to do with the prostate gland at all....
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Holistic Tips for Boosting Your Self-Confidence

Holistic Tips for Boosting Your Self-Confidence

Many people feel like they cannot behave naturally when they are around two or more people. They start to become nervous and dithery, which is a...
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Using Ayurveda as a Natural Remedy to Stay Healthy

Using Ayurveda as a Natural Remedy to Stay Healthy

Ayurvedic medicine, commonly referred to as "ayurveda," is one of the world's oldest yet most enduring holistic health systems. Designed to keep the whole body system...
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